mattress counter
TV Mattress - 07.15.05
submitter: Salinger
location:Sogn, Oslo, Norway
Two hours after arriving in Oslo, and 90 minutes before dancing at Oslo's first Mobile Club, what could be better than seeing some real Norwegian people carrying a TV out of a house?
category:People Keepin it Real


wim commented on 08.01.11
after all they were with two to carry the mobile tv

ragnhild commented on 09.23.05
I said I was sorry!

Salinger commented on 09.23.05
Gunnbjoerg (unlike ragnhild, that's easier to say that spell). Hey, how are you doing? Did she tell you that she submitted the same photo?

Gunnbjoerg commented on 09.15.05
Short stay i Norway and your allready part of the Norwegian location site. Not bad Salinger :)

ragnhild commented on 09.13.05

Salinger commented on 09.12.05

Chaf commented on 08.17.05
Real Norwegian people getting paid at the pawn shop after selling a stolen TV?

Smart Set commented on 08.17.05
Is this page big enough for two pics called "TV Mattress"? I like to think so.