mattress counter
Dumpster Diving Divinity - 05.25.05
submitter: Donavon
location:Cashion City, Texas
One of those moments where it all comes together. (Don't mind that my friend James missed on the point...he had his first time jitters)
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 02.15.11
they really came up short

wim commented on 02.14.11
great mdM, so many in so short a distance!

Donavon commented on 06.23.05
Thanks! Texas does have some pretty good sunsets from time to time. Usually after a rip-roarin' tornado!

psychobabble commented on 06.22.05
Lovely! (On first reading thought it was 'Cushion' City!)

Cap'n Smart Set commented on 06.22.05
Nice de Milo. Looks like you are at sea in a dumpster.

DVD Dan commented on 06.22.05
Nice ss.