mattress counter
Alyssa - 03.21.05
submitter: Rebecca
location:Santa Cruz, CA
Those of you who have been following along may have noticed that my neighbors have been extremely helpful in regularly leaving mattresses out in the yard. This is Alyssa's contribution to the cause, and it makes me even happier about her than I already was.


wim commented on 02.10.11
I never like the song

Rebecca commented on 04.06.05
Noel, it pains me to have to inform you that we have received 60.24" of rainfall since October 1st 2004. This is not an unusual amount of rain, although the season does seem to be running a little late this year. I have no idea why people think it doesn't rain in California. Maybe it's that stupid song from the 70s spreading disinformation.

noel commented on 04.06.05
rain, in california?

Rebecca commented on 04.06.05
It was gone by the time it began raining again.

JimmyLee commented on 04.05.05
it's taking over the bin's space.