mattress counter
Have mats will travel - 12.06.04
submitter: ChristineLarsen
Found this picture online. Apparently only packed mattresses for their long journey.
category:Mats on da Move


ChristineLarsen commented on 12.08.04
I don't think there are any "bad mats" to Adam. Just a guess. I actually have quite a few mat pictures stuck on my camera. Just having a hard time getting them uploaded to the of these days....

ART-chitect commented on 12.08.04
Still, I have already send in some of those matts that you normally don't find in the street, it's up to Adam to see if he takes them

wim commented on 12.08.04
so am I, the real world is the one we try to avoid living in, the virtual world makes our dreams come through, but I know the feeling when you don't find any real matts, you start on a desperatie hunt, taking from gthe net whatever you can. I commited the same sin and pardoned myself

ChristineLarsen commented on 12.08.04
Yes, I considered that too. Since this one was titled from Kenya, it didn't seem like one we'd covered, but who knows. Personally I'm more excited when I find one out in the "real world."

ART-chitect commented on 12.08.04
hey, my girlfriend found this also...I have a few more now, but some seem te be to risky to send in...what if they are from other matthunters and are therefor already submitted? I have no meaning to offend someone or to look threw 5557 matts. Huge problem, just like the lady here.