mattress counter
Smiley - 07.21.01
submitter: Tim McNabb
location:Alleyway at Smiley and Watson, St. Louis MO
2 Mattresses, 1 still with a yellow sheet. Fingers belong to my Granddaughter Kristi and Grandson Stephen. Arlene is holding the flashlights and I'm taking the shot. GROUP EFFORT!!

Taken under cover of darkness at 11:45 pm CST

We in flyover country can be hip too, you know!!!
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 12.21.12

Sleepeasy commented on 12.26.06
Oh, for an Angel of Perception!

wim commented on 12.25.06
it depends on your angel of perception

DVD Dan commented on 12.14.05
Well Kristi just four short years later the site is "full" though your Grandpappy wasn't much help. commented on 03.18.02
My grandparents never even took me fishing!! commented on 07.25.01
I teach ALL my young ones to practice "safe mattress". commented on 07.25.01
I hope you told your grandchild this Tim, "Don't get too close and for Christ sake don't touch it!" commented on 07.24.01
Watch out, guys! We got 6 shots of 10 mattresses in less than 2 days! My brother and I are going to visit my grandfather for 5 days soon, so your site is going to be full! commented on 07.24.01
Thanx, Adam! I'm the kid on the left. U rock! I assume you and Noonan Created Streetmattress-thanxfor giving me a new hobby! commented on 07.23.01
There is a new team in town! Hats off to you guys in St. Louis. You're fighting the good fight! commented on 07.23.01
Thanks Adam!

The kids had a blast doing this. I found this whole idea a great way to get them interested in urban/participatory art! commented on 07.22.01
This is a truly amazing piece. The lighting and the balance of the grandkid's pointing hands is truly a testament to Tim's eye for Urban Art! Hats off to Tim!!