mattress counter
Disintegration Station - 06.07.02
submitter: M. L. Taylor
location:In front of 922 Smythe Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
This charming specimen appeared by the side of a very busy street about two weeks ago.....and it has been disintigrating steadily ever since. I didn't know mattresses were supposed to be *biodegradable*.....
category:The Untouchables!


wim commented on 08.02.07
I like the way she dresses, bottom up

miss lori and miss neil commented on 05.16.06
why would anybody throw such a beautiful mattress away? hoping to see many more of these on the long drive to K.L.

M. L. Taylor commented on 05.11.06
Ok, thank you. I wanted to be sure before adding some new mattresses to the collection. They will be submitted under a new name ("Lincoln"), mainly because i couldn't remember what name i used here back in 2002. (Hanging head) So stay tuned in the coming weeks for my tour through the trailer park (where you can tell it's Spring by all the mattresses that have sprouted up).

Chaf commented on 05.10.06
Patience Taylor, the streetmatt senate review all submissions. Rarely do they turn down any. Eventually they all appear. Might I suggest you consult the SM elder Smart Set for further insight...he is wise and will show you the way.

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 05.09.06
Within 2 ,3 or 4 weeks, they are slowing down.... to much submits.... or to much work . But they are doing their best I'm sure.

M.L. Taylor commented on 05.09.06
It's still here! The post, i mean. The mattress has long since gone to a better place. I posted a new mattress last week, but as yet it hasn't made it online. Any idea when - or if - it'll show up? (Or maybe it just wasn't good enough.....)

tom commented on 11.01.02
Its like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon....well maybe not exactly a butterfly..... commented on 06.16.02
Looks like it's peeling like an onion---one layer at a time. commented on 06.12.02
Someone stole my mattress commented on 06.12.02
i've seen this mattress, it's so sad!