mattress counter
How small ? - 03.22.04
submitter: Nigel Wilson
location:Bournville, Birmingham UK
I saw this wee brightly coloured one showing off to me. I think it is large enough for Barbie.


wim commented on 12.21.09
I wish barbie would come and clean up our mess

Salinger commented on 03.29.04
there's no stamp duty on mattresses.

nigel wilson commented on 03.29.04
Remember stamp duty.... flavour of mattress ? Mmmmm strawberry.

monkeyspank commented on 03.27.04
I'll give you £251,000 for the mattress if you through in the house for free.

flanelhed commented on 03.27.04
what flavor would you call that?

Nigel Wilson commented on 03.24.04
I know, but this looks so so mmmmm, just like a candy/sweet/sweetie or another variation of the same.

DVD Dan commented on 03.23.04
Didn't your mother tell you it's not polite to squeeze mattresses in public?