mattress counter
Fear Factor - 02.10.04
submitter: ChristineLarsen
location:Port Orchard, WA
This picture is really bad, and I'm sorry. Not up to my usual standard, but hey, how exactly does one capture a media mattress? Enough excuses, this is the "Dumpster Dive" in last week's Fear Factor episode with a big ugly mat right in front of the dumpster (err.. "skip" for my English friends). And yes, that woman was dressed.
category:streetmattress in media


wim commented on 02.22.04
Did she actually dump the guy in the dumpsterskip ? And what is he wearing?

Rebecca commented on 02.12.04
No biggie. It's not like I even took the picture anyway.

ChristineLarsen commented on 02.12.04
Uh oh--did I do a boo boo?

Rebecca commented on 02.11.04
Just take a look - there's a new picture of my sister there too.

DVD Dan commented on 02.11.04
That's strange - I don't remember yours and I guess Noonan didn't either.

Rebecca commented on 02.11.04
I think I submitted her a week before Christine did and nobody noticed.

Salinger commented on 02.11.04
i think she's wearing too much.

Kevin37uk commented on 02.11.04
It doesn't look like she is dressed in much.

Rebecca commented on 02.10.04