mattress counter
Canterbury street again - 02.03.04
submitter: Kevin37uk
location:Canterbury Street, Gillingham, Kent. UK
I saw this one at a place where many others have turned up. It turned up outside a deserted shop in the mattress popular Canterbury Street.
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 10.08.09
I have a phone "out of order"

Rebecca commented on 02.13.04
That looks like an awesome phone. My phone definitely has an inferiority complex now. I'm waiting for the Audiovox 9900 to be released. I am stuck looking for phones that still do analog, since I travel all over the state, as you all know.

Kevin37uk commented on 02.13.04
The Phone that is being raved about in Japan is the SO505is. It's not available in a GSM model yet but apparently they will be making one.

Rebecca commented on 02.12.04
The carrier I use is not known for making the very latest phones available in a timely manner. So I will probably always be a couple steps behind, although I can make calls from mountaintops. At least mine is not the most pathetic phone - what do you have Christine, a brick phone?

Kevin37uk commented on 02.12.04
Maybe it's easier add a digital camera to a cell phone than the other way around. So the current crop of cell phone makers possibly have a head start over the traditional camera makers.

Salinger commented on 02.12.04
why aren't Nikon and Canon selling cameras with phone attachments?

Kevin37uk commented on 02.12.04
Nevermind Rebecca one day you'll enjoy the wonders of modern cellphone technology. By the way a friend of mine tells me that the latest thing in Japan is a new cellphone with a 1.3M pixel camera built in. Due to be released in USA and Europe this year.

Salinger commented on 02.12.04
That's because you live on a farm.

ChristineLarsen commented on 02.12.04
Wow what a Pandora's box THIS photo opened! How come everyone gets a cool phone but me? I have the most pathetic cell phone known to mankind.

Rebecca commented on 02.12.04
Funny you should say that Kevin, I just now came from two mobile phone stores where I just stood there and drooled on the phones. I'm out of town so I can indulge my twisted fetish without fear of being seen in the act by anybdy I know.

Rebecca commented on 02.12.04
Jeff calls me a "phone geek." I don't see how I could deserve that name and still be using a second-rate phone though. Salinger - why not? You should try sending me something.

Kevin37UK commented on 02.12.04
I actually fancied getting a Sony-Ericsson P900. Has this comments page turned into mobile phone addicts anonymous. Or not so anonymous in our cases.

Salinger commented on 02.11.04
Rebecca, do you think we are able to send each other video footage?

Rebecca commented on 02.11.04
Gaaaah! I have Phone Envy.

Salinger commented on 02.11.04
I have a Motorola A835.

Rebecca commented on 02.11.04
So what kind of phone do you have, Salinger? The phone I'm waiting for happens to have video, although that wasn't the reason for my choice.

Salinger commented on 02.11.04
I bought a video phone yesterday. ohhh, do you think I'd be able to upload videos of matts rather than just photos? (yes, I've seen the film, it's splendid)

Rebecca commented on 02.10.04
Your phone has three modes of GSM. Over here we use GSM but we also have CDMA, a somewhat different technology (CDMA is also used in Asia and I don't know where else). We have your phone here but it's a GSM phone so I couldn't use it. It so happens my phone is a couple years behind the times and I'm eagerly anticipating upgrading....

Kevin37uk commented on 02.10.04
What is a CDMA network? The T610 is a triband phone so it should work on any network as far as I know. Well any digital network.

Rebecca commented on 02.10.04
Oooh, that's a pretty nice phone, I like those phones. I'm on a CDMA network though so I can't have one.

Kevin37uk commented on 02.10.04
Rebecca its a Sony Ericsson T610.

Rebecca commented on 02.05.04
Was this taken with your phone camera? What kind of phone do you have??