mattress counter
A Nice Pair - 07.24.12
submitter: Smart Set
location:S. Acton, London, UK
I focussed on this beautiful matt and waited for someone to walk into shot. I wanted people to walk above the matt, but when these guys appeared I had to go for it. Uniformed cops like these are never seen in South Acton, and it turned out they'd been drafted in from a neighbouring force because of some Olympic games or something. They were very friendly and didn't try to arrest me for taking photographs.
category:People Keepin it Real


wim commented on 07.30.12
so professional! one wearing a watch on his left arm, the other one on his right arm, ready for an ambidexter medal

Smart Set commented on 07.24.12
Thanks. Stay free, Horse.

Horse commented on 07.24.12
Not been arrested yet ! Good pic btw.