mattress counter
Walid Lends a Hand - 06.14.10
submitter: Smart Set
location:Acton, London, UK
So I got a pic of the second matt pb had told me about and was leaving the scene, when I saw my café-owning friend Walid. I had no idea that he lived round there. He was happy to point, and said he would let me know if he saw any matts. What a guy!
category:People Keepin it Real


Smart Set commented on 06.14.10
We could have gone to his café, but it is to close soon, hélas!

wim commented on 06.14.10
pb, the informer, a fine job in belgian politics

psychobabble commented on 06.14.10
nicely framed with a red border

wim commented on 06.14.10
really, what a guy, we could all go to his café, nice name btw, walid