mattress counter
'tyred' old mattress - 08.05.03
submitter: perou
location:the far east of london, england
mick is pointing at the 'tyred' old mattress that stratford is sitting on.
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 01.20.13
perou took of to,peru with the 2206, 143 missing

Jay Bale commented on 02.08.04
You better get a waterproof pad!!!

Lindsay commented on 01.12.04
Justin, you're only twelve. You know nothing. And hurry up and send me that picture of the pile of mattresses you promised me so I can post it!

Justin commented on 01.01.04
That guy has a mighty nice house!

Frank commented on 08.21.03
Do you know the story from the mattressprincess that hat a ticking, so sensible, that it kept on feeling a smashed empty beer can under a stack of 77 tyres?

Sunnydazeuk commented on 08.08.03
Love it... the tires add that extra dimension, and the dog rocks!!

bezemer commented on 08.07.03
Perou-fantastic turn of the art. Much love from Bezemer in NYC. Whne are you coming to visit. mark and eric like the photo as well.

Rebecca commented on 08.07.03
It matters not whether you are a photographer, tire salesman or dog trainer. I draw the line at arranging the mattress itself - all else is moot. Love the shot, too.

wim commented on 08.07.03
never mind the comment of dead people perou, your's is un matelat magnifique, with extremely good shades

perou commented on 08.07.03
so what? is my street mattress unworthy?

john L commented on 08.07.03
it's a fix perou's a professional photographer

Christel commented on 08.07.03
Just... Excellent !!

Salinger commented on 08.06.03
wim, who taught you the rules of pole&tyre?

wim commented on 08.06.03
is it part of a british game, where one has to throw tyres round a pole and gets bitten in his private parts when he misses, and are the numbers above the gate the innings and percentages and averages and beckhams wages ?

Archie's mum commented on 08.06.03
One of Perou's finest works to date.

Dog On Mattress commented on 08.06.03
Grrr point that finger at me again and it will be lunch. I ate your shirt, your next!!

mary hell commented on 08.06.03
i like the cute little doggy, i must stop stalking perou.... steve its the rubish ds1 camera you brought.....

Steve Hell commented on 08.05.03
why is he pointing at the dog's bottom?

Jemster commented on 08.05.03
"thats the one he tore off my motor!"says mick trying to reclaim his tyre that stratford has added to his chasing down car collection

dragon commented on 08.05.03
i saw that guy on tv the other day

wim commented on 08.05.03
is mick the man that can get in and out 89 tires within 60 seconds without loosing his pants ?

Simon Le Bon commented on 08.05.03
Man, that dog sure can crap.

Neato commented on 08.05.03
I'll vote that "Best Use Of Dog"