mattress counter
yellow futon - 07.11.06
submitter: psychobabble
hiding behind the tree - presumably connected in some way to the shop?
category:Seen Worse


Sleepeasy commented on 05.13.07
What a night!

psychobabble commented on 09.04.06
hopefully tonite you can now sleep easy, Sleepeasy!

Sleepeasy commented on 09.04.06
You were right: there's nothing there.

Sleepeasy commented on 09.04.06
My curiosity is roused. I may have to make a trip down to Chiswick to see what you are all talking about.

psychobabble commented on 09.04.06
14.50 and not long passed by the (now absent)lurve tunnel

wim commented on 09.04.06
no one does, it just goes by

Sleepeasy commented on 09.04.06
Time – who needs it...?

wim commented on 09.04.06
we were not at the same moment, I presume, 12.25 pm over here

Sleepeasy commented on 09.04.06
It's 8.09am where I am

wim commented on 09.04.06
a tunnel of love at 6am

psychobabble commented on 09.03.06
neither stunned nor acquiescent,SE, just amused at SSs bizarre mind-leaps!

wim commented on 09.03.06
thank you, chaf

Chaf commented on 09.03.06

wim commented on 09.03.06

DVD Dan commented on 09.03.06
I think there is a choirboy joke in there but I'll refrain from looking for it.

Sleepeasy commented on 09.02.06
Now SS confuses me. Priest-hole? PB, did you get that? Is yours a stunned silence, or an acquiescent one?

Smart Set commented on 08.23.06
Probably connected by a secret tunnel running from the priest-hole.

wim commented on 08.22.06
PB, you confuse me