mattress counter
Easler Webb Rd. - 01.24.06
submitter: Chaf
location:Cowpens, SC
This was in the trailer park where my daughter lives. That's Jonathan, my son in common law.
category:People Keepin it Real


wim commented on 11.07.10
combining bra and car is not in my experience, rather car and no bra

Chaf commented on 01.28.06
I don't think there is a bra, just a two tone car.

DVD Dan commented on 01.27.06
Oh the good old car bra. I don't think I've seen one in years, at least I pay them no mind now. ART they can protect your auto from flying gravel and such.

ART commented on 01.27.06
cool wheels underneath that car, never understood the meaning of a laether cover on your car's front (or does it only looks like that?)