mattress counter
Matt and Sleeper - 11.24.05
submitter: Chaf
location:Graham, NC
Do you think the couch could have more duct tape on it?
category:Dumpster Divers


wim commented on 12.05.10
couches add a bit of classy style

Smart Set commented on 12.08.05
I've used the odd roll, but tape is so passé. I've switched to digital duct.

Chaf commented on 12.08.05
But are you a duct tape man?

Smart Set commented on 12.08.05
Well, I did give this one quite a bit of thought, and my finger hovered over the "comment" button more than once, but in the end I couldn't think of anything witty enough. Plus I'm not really a couch man.

Chaf commented on 12.08.05
I thought for sure the duct tape would bring more attention...